CLIENT: Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools
ASK: Following major changes within the district, GJPS needed support to develop a “North Star” strategic plan that aligned district goals and overall direction for Educators, Administrators and the GJPS School Board to inform decision-making.
SERVICES PROVIDED: REdCon started by conducting a district data review to better understand the current state of the district. Based on those findings, we held listening sessions and deployed a survey to engage stakeholders on topics ranging from the awareness and perception of GJPS to its culture of learning and engagement. The process identified areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, which were used to develop the draft plan. REdCon then facilitated a two-day strategy session with representatives of GJPS stakeholder groups to gather inputs on the strategic plan. Participants were led through group discussions and vision setting exercises to establish priorities, identify goals of the plan, develop strategies and identify key actions.
RESULTS: Our strategic planning initiative exceeded expectations, underscoring the transformative power of our collaborative strategic planning process. Buoyed by the success of the strategic planning process, GJPS has formally requested our continued involvement in the implementation phase. The client recognizes the value our team brings in translating strategic vision into tangible actions and outcomes.