CLIENT: Northwest Local School District (NWLSD)
ASK: Client requested REdCon to develop a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) plan in an effort to increase the number of staff from underrepresented groups. NWLSD needed a complete minority recruitment plan that provided actionable strategies they could implement throughout the school district.
SERVICES PROVIDED: REdCon reviewed NWLSD’s internal documents including existing policies and procedures, and conducted interviews to determine both strengths and areas of opportunity. Next, REdCon facilitated listening sessions with select staff. Lasty, REdCon provided a well-defined minority recruitment plan that included proposed actions organized into four categories: planning, attracting, engagement, and retention. Performance measures were also identified to provide examples of successful execution.
RESULTS: As a result of the work, NWLSD has successfully seen a direct increase in diversity recruitment and retention since implementing the plan with students, teachers, and other administrative staff.
"Northwest has benefited from our relationship with RedCON. We have been supported with development and implementation of DEI resources including specific recruitment and retention strategies to diversify our staff."