Leading Across Difference

Learning & Development

CLIENT: Arlington County

ASK: Client wanted to add a customized class to its existing managerial cohort.

SERVICES PROVIDED: REdCon met with the client’s learning and development team to understand their needs, the existing training offerings and the participant make up. From there, we spent additional time studying the municipality to learn their language and approach. Leveraging those insights, we built an engaging training that provided concrete  strategies managers could do to lead acroos difference.

RESULTS: This class received positive feedback from the learning and development team as well as participants. REdCon is working with the client on additional trainings.

"It is a pleasure to work with the Rice Education Consulting team.  They facilitate our Managing for Equity training to new supervisors in our organization.  After each session I get calls from participants to find out how to contact Rice Education Consulting to setup this training for their teams!  Rico and Lesli are skilled facilitators."


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